Los hijos de la costa

Saturday, Sept 14 at 2:00 PM
The Cinematheque

Director: Bruno Bancalari
Mexico | 2024 | Spanish with English subtitles | 95 min | Musical, Biographical

Sliding Scale Tickets:
$13 / $15 / $18 / $21

Plus $3 VLAFF Membership required

© Children of The Coast, 2024

Following different Afro-Mexican musicians from the Costa Chica (located in the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca, Mexico) immerses us in the popular culture of the coast. Its music reveals the history of a community that pays tribute to its people, the sea, its land, city dwellers, and all that binds it to the countryside. A documentary that portrays musicians in their purest state, wrapped in their immediate environment, exalting musical tradition as a central principle in the construction of Mexico’s present identity.

El seguimiento de distintos músicos afromexicanos de la Costa Chica (Guerrero y Oaxaca, México) nos adentra en la cultura popular costeña y nos revela la historia de una comunidad que, a través de su música, rinde tributo a su pueblo, al mar, al campo y a aquello que los conecta con la tierra. Un documental que retrata al músico en su estado más puro, envuelto en su entorno inmediato y enalteciendo a la tradición musical como un principio elemental en la construcción de la identidad del México de hoy.

Bruno Bancalari (1984) studied the film-making program offered by NYFA and Film and Television in CENTRO, Mexico City. His career in the audiovisual industry has focused on the production of music video clips and documentaries. His documentary filmography includes the medium-length film Hasta la raíz (presented at Los Cabos FF 2016, Ambulante and winner of the Latin Grammy for Best Long Video), the short film Musas: Un homenaje al folclore Latinoamericano en manos de Los Macorinos presented in 2017 in Ambulante, and also a winner of the Latin Grammy for Best Long Video), and the medium-length film Quien me atañe, escucha mis voces (nominated for the Latin Grammy 2021). Children of the coast is his first documentary feature film.

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