As quatro estações da juventude
Friday, Sept 13 at 4:00 PM
Director: Essi Rafael
Brazil | 2024 | Portuguese with English subtitles | 100 min | Documentary | Rated PG
Sliding Scale Tickets:
$10 / $13 / $15
VLAFF Membership required at the entrance

From enrollment to graduation, a wannabe movie director films his experience at one of the most important universities in Brazil. As the years go by, we follow the hopes and fears of students facing an unprecedented educational crisis.
Da matrícula à formatura, um estudante de cinema filma sua experiência em uma das universidades mais importantes do Brasil. À medida que os anos passam, acompanhamos as esperanças e medos de jovens que enfrentam uma crise educacional sem precedentes.
International Film Festival of Cartagena (FICCI 62), Colombia,

Essi Rafael is a Brazilian birdwatcher, diplomat, and filmmaker. He studied Cinema at the Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar), where he recorded the lives of a group of university students. These images are part of his first feature film project, “Four Seasons of Youth”.
This film qualifies for the People’s Choice Award, presented by: