Sobre nadar
Tuesday, Sept 12 at 6PM
The Cinematheque
Directors Berenice Vigna and Ana Tonso in attendance!
Directors: Manuela Aguilar & Berenice Vigna
Argentina | 2022 | Spanish with English subtitles | 66 min | Drama
Preceded by the short film What moves the wave? by Ana Tonso.
Sliding Scale Tickets:
$13 / $15 / $18 / $21
Plus $3 VLAFF Membership required
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The first sequence of About Swimming is significant. Immersed in a pool, Dominique (35), an open water swimmer, performs an automatic routine that is nevertheless executed with care, precision, and discipline. Her career is on the rise: she has just qualified for the Olympic Games. As she prepares to fulfill one of her lifelong dreams, she receives the news that she is pregnant. The present, which was supposed to be one way, has become an uncertainty. Dominique must negotiate between her desires and societal expectations. Her only refuge, the water… the one place where she can breathe.
Our intention is to lead the viewer to be submerged alongside Dominique, to share her sensations. It’s about watching a film with the entrails. It’s about putting the body forward, a physical film. As poet Héctor Viel writes and Dominique quotes at the end of the film, I am going towards what I have known least in my life, I am going towards my body.
Manuela Aguilar and Berenice Vigna

Manuela Aguilar is a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU) in Image and Sound Design and studied Cinematography at the CFP (S.I.C.A.) in Buenos Aires. In the last ten years she has worked and collaborated as a director, editor, and director of photography, in addition to her own video art projects. Her experimental short film Time has been screened at multiple arts festivals. Currently, she lives in Berlin, Germany where she is developing her new fiction project Where Do I Go When I Go. About Swimming is her first feature film.
Berenice Vigna is a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU) in Image and Sound Design. She has been working as a screenwriter since 2015, having worked on film, television, and series projects. Independently, she has dabbled in video games and documentaries. She also teaches script clinics for filmmakers and artists, and works in advertising. About Swimming is her first film as a director.