Sunday, Sept 10 at 6:15 PM
The Cinematheque
Director: Álvaro Luque
Peru | 2022 | Spanish with English subtitles | 75 min | Documentary
Sliding Scale Tickets:
$13 / $15 / $18 / $21
Plus $3 VLAFF Membership required
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Moyobamba, the capital of the San Martín region in northern Peru: In the heat of the jungle, a group of young people gather at Jorge Rodríguez Grández’s place for an event that will change Latin American music history—the birth of Los Mirlos, a group who will grow to be the most recognized band of Amazonian cumbia. Los Mirlos represent a synthesis of a musical genre that arises from ancestral beats, jungle sounds, and the exploration of rhythms such as 1960’s psychedelic and surf rock… and some pretty groovy matching shirts.
Whether or not you’ve heard of Los Mirlos before, you’ll leave the cinema feeling positively groovy after watching this highly entertaining music documentary.