Curated by Jorge Lozano

The works in this program are illustrations of the multiple perspectives and multiple forms of doing in Alexandra’s artistic practice when she uses film or video. They are traces left by bodies, political subjects entangled in psycogeographic explorations. Encounters that become events, events that become fragments that subvert the proper and the improper ways of experimenting with moving images and sound. For more information about Alexandra’s work, visit:
Alexandra Gelis is a Colombian-Venezuelan artist living and working in Toronto, Ontario. Her studio practice combines new media, installation, and photography with custom-built interactive electronics. Her projects incorporate personal field research as a tool to investigate the ecologies of various landscapes by examining the traces left by various socio-political interventions. She uses data capture techniques, video, sound, and spatial and electronic media to create documentary based immersive installations, single-channel videos, and experimental photography.
Screens as part of a two-part program with Jorge Lozano: FISSURES AND FRACTURES
The Cinematheque (1131 Howe Street): SATURDAY, SEPT 5, 5:00pm
Directors ALEXANDRA GELIS & JORGE LOZANO in attendance!
Viewing available ONLINE from August 27 – September 6:
Program Running Time: 66 min
English for Beginners | 2:30 min | 2009
Borders | 3:13 min | 2009
Rhizomatic Directed Simulation | 6 min | 2014
One Dollar Click | 2 min | 2010
Casiteros | 1:11 min | 2011
San Raphael | 4 min | 2010
La casa de Olga/The House of Olga| 12 min | 2010
Walking in Circles | 3:55 min | 2015
Estera. (mat) | 2:30 min | 2009
Puente de las Américas/Bridge of the Americas|2:50 min | 2015
How to Make a Beach | 4:13 min | 2019
The Island | 6:09 min | 2018
Raíces Fúlcreas/Prop Roots | 4:50 min | 2019
ALERTA . ALERTA . ALERTA | 1:40 min | 2020
Entradas y Salidas/Exits and Entries | 10:30 min | 2020