Venezuela/Colombia, 2018
Director: Patricia Ortega
Spanish with English subtitles | 97 min
New Directors
Preceded by VICTORIA
Wednesday, August 28 | 9 PM | Cinematheque
Saturday, August 31 | 5:15 PM | SFU Woodward’s
Ariel (Lucía Bedoya), a young, religious dressmaker, tries to have a sexual encounter with her boyfriend but finds it extremely painful. She mentions this to her mother, Dolores (María Elena Duque), who recommends visiting a doctor. Their relationship is strained, as her mother has cancer and Ariel has been trying to act on her wishes that she fulfill a stereotypical female role in life. Finding no easy cure, Ariel learns from her doctor Clemencia that she was born intersex and was submitted to a series of surgeries as a child to conform to a female body. Ariel must now come to terms with her gender identity.
Ariel es una joven modista religiosa que, después de un encuentro sexual fallido, descubre un secreto que su familia ha intentado ocultar toda su vida: nació con genitales ambiguos y, siendo bebé, fue sometida a varias cirugías para convertirla en mujer. Ahora tiene una de dos opciones: seguir viviendo como una persona socialmente aceptada pero oprimida o elegir ser libre y vivir su vida como una persona intersexual y enfrentar el juicio moral de la sociedad.
The final act is an empowering and incredibly progressive conclusion to a story that could otherwise end so tragically, a breath of relief considering the policy concerns regarding gay and queer rights that have yet to be addressed in Venezuela. —Beatrice Loayza, Remezcla
Filmography: El regreso (2013)