Director: Carlett Decker
Ecuador | 2022 | Spanish With English Subtitles | 14:59 min
*Geo-blocked for viewing in Canada only.
In the midst of a health crisis, in which there is vehicle restriction, a curfew and services are collapsed, Laura (18) needs to get as soon as possible, a pill that interrupts an unwanted pregnancy in a country where it is illegal.
As days goes by, Laura witnesses her body slowly transforming, exacerbating her anxiety. Despite seeking help, this cycle is lived in an isolation that seems to be perpetual.
En medio de una crisis sanitaria, en la que hay restricción vehicular, toque de queda y servicios colapsados, Laura (18) necesita conseguir cuanto antes una pastilla que interrumpa un embarazo no deseado en un país donde es ilegal.
A medida que pasan los días, Laura es testigo de cómo su cuerpo se transforma lentamente, lo que exacerba su ansiedad. A pesar de buscar ayuda, este ciclo se vive en un aislamiento que parece perpetuo.
Carlett Decker
Ecuadorian filmmaker, 1996. Bachelor’s Degree in Film from the University of the Arts. Her first short film “El Bar” was part of film festivals such as the 66th edition of the Kurzkufilmtage Oberhausen Festival (Germany), the 11th edition of the FARCUME Festival (Portugal) and was an official selection at the Kunturñawi Festival (Ecuador).
She is currently working on her first feature film “The World According to Sofia” which participated in laboratories and seminars such as GuayaquilLab and “Childhood Wants Cinema” (Chile). In addition to this, she was selected in the last edition of Buenos Aires Talents 2021 (Berlinale Talents).