Director: Clarisa Navas
Argentina, 2020 | Spanish with English subtitles | 120 min
Viewing available from August 27 – September 6
Q&A with director Clarisa Navas and actor Ana Carolina García (Renata): Watch on Facebook!
Set in a community of project houses in Corrientes, Argentina, One in a Thousand explores deep friendship and sexual awakening. When Iris (17) encounters Renata (20), a young woman with a tough past, she is immediately fascinated by her. Iris will have to overcome her fears and struggle with her insecurities in order to approach her. A story full of tenderness in a very hostile environment where desire adapts many forms in the darkness, and gossip can turn into a hostile weapon.
Describing a world where her protagonists are caught between coming out and cyberbullying, community life and poverty, love and violence, director Clarisa Navas captures the transition between the tenderness of childhood and the bitter reality of the adult world in floating images that often have a distinctly documentary feel. – Berlinale, 2020
Ambientada en una comunidad de bajos recursos, “Las mil y una” explora las amistades profundas y el despertar sexual. Cuando Iris (17) conoce a Renata (20), una mujer joven con un pasado difícil, se siente inmediatamente atraída por ella. Tendrá que superar sus miedos y luchar con sus inseguridades para experimentar el primer amor. Una historia llena de ternura en un ambiente muy hostil donde el deseo toma muchas formas en la oscuridad, y los chismes pueden convertirse en un arma hostil.
Clarisa Navas was born in Corrientes, Argentina in 1989. After studying art at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes, she made her feature film debut with Hoy Partido a las 3 (2017) which screened at festivals including in Buenos Aires, Biarritz, Lima and Valladolid and won a number of awards. She has written and directed several series and documentaries for Argentine television and teaches at the Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica (ENERC) and the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Her second feature, Las mil y una, premiered at the Berlinale in 2020.