The Ones Who Dare To Love
Multiple Directors
99 min
SATURDAY, SEPT 3 | 3:00 PM | The Cinematheque
Join a conversation with the curators and some of the directors on Saturday, Sept 3 at 12noon
Curated by Kathleen Mullen and Robert (Alejandro) Rios
Only the brave dare to love. In this section, through documentaries and short films, we celebrate characters who have courage enough to love and be loved, either themselves or someone else. Love can be painful, scary, and sad but it’s also liberating, joyful, and beautiful.

Creature (Criatura)
Director: María Silvia Esteve
Argentina, 2021
15 min | Spanish with English subtitles
Love can be beautiful, fantastic, dreamy and somehow It can also tear you apart and bring the beasts out. This vibrant short film follows a woman’s love affair.

Director: Dennis Perinango
Peru, 2021
22 min | Spanish with English subtitles
Diego, a mechanic in a small town, encounters Pedro, his assistant, watching the local trans community play volleyball, and a new relationship begins.

Director: Christian Rojas E.
Ecuador, 2020
18 min | Spanish with English subtitles
Manu, a 10-year-old child from the Ecuadorian coast, will use the day of the Indigenous Chigualo Festival, to reveal her true self.

Mano Santa
Director: Stephanie Camacho Casillas
Puerto Rico, 2020
14 min | Spanish with English subtitles
A religious community man shelters his runaway grandson as the young gay teen navigates his sexuality in this exquisite film.

Memoirs of the (non) existent me
Director: Thiago Kistenmacker
Brazil, 2021
15 min | Portuguese with English subtitles
Marina’s fun-loving chosen family gives her the burial that she deserves as a trans woman who was loved, and has loved.

Skin Deep
Directors: Ana María Buitrón & Ana Prieto Mendez / Artist: Paola Paredes
Ecuador, 2021
15 min | Spanish with English subtitles
An LGTBQ+ artist, through her art, seeks to understand herself and the queer artists and subjects that surround her through their similarities and differences.