Las rutas en febrero
Uruguay/Canada, 2018
Director: Katherine Jerkovic

Spanish with English subtitles | 84 min
Canada Looks South

Sunday, August 25 | 2:45 PM | Cinematheque

Still mourning the death of her father, Sarah (Arlen Aguayo Stewart) travels from Montreal to a sleepy village in rural Uruguay to visit her paternal grandmother, Magda. Over a decade ago, Sarah and her parents left Uruguay and never returned. Driven by childhood memories, she hopes to renew her relationship with Magda and with her home country. But as soon as Sarah arrives, a quiet unease forms. Magda doesn’t understand why her son never returned to see her and must now live with the fact that he never will. The tension comes as a surprise to Sarah, who must face the distance between herself, her family, and her country of origin in addition to her grief. – TIFF

Aún en pleno duelo por la muerte de su padre, Sarah (Arlen Aguayo Stewart) viaja desde Montreal a un tranquilo pueblo rural en Uruguay a visitar a su abuela paterna, Magda. En su primer viaje a Uruguay en más de una década, Sarah tiene la esperanza de crear una nueva relación con su abuela y con su país natal, pero no recibe la bienvenida que esperaba. Magda nunca entendió el abandono de su hijo, y ahora Sarah debe enfrentar la distancia entre sí misma, su familia y su país de origen, además de su propio dolor.

Director Katherine Jerkovic skilfully infuses each scene with an intimate yet powerful tone […] An evocative slice of life with an assured visual style, Roads in February is an enthralling debut that firmly establishes Jerkovic as one of Canada’s bright new talents.  – Danis Goulet, TIFF

Best Canadian First Feature Film, Toronto International Film Festival, 2018