Canada Looks South 2020
The Call for Submissions for the 18th Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, August 27 – September 6, 2020, opens on February 15, 2020.
The Canada Looks South section showcases the work of Latin-Canadian and Canadian filmmakers.
Indigenous Film from BC & Beyond is an annual series showcasing the work of Indigenous filmmakers from Latin American alongside works by Indigenous filmmakers from Canada. This year’s edition will focus on works by women filmmakers.
- Fiction, animated, and documentary feature-length and short films with Latin American and/or Indigenous content
- Made by independent Canadian/Latin-Canadian/Indigenous filmmakers
- Running time: all lengths accepted
- Year: 2018-2020
- Earlybird Deadline: Monday, March 16, 2020
- Final Deadline: Thursday, April 30, 2020
There are no submission fees for these two sections. If you are submitting a short film that you would also like to be considered in the Short Film Competition section, you will need to register it there as well and pay the submission fee of $6/$9 (USD).
If you have any questions, please write to us at:
Selection Process:
The Programming Committee will review all films. The selected films will be announced on VLAFF’s website in mid-July 2020. Due to the volume of submissions that we receive, only the directors who are selected will be contacted.
Selected Films:
Exhibition copies in DCP with English subtitles or downloadable links must be sent to VLAFF by Friday, July 31. If sending DCPs, filmmakers will be responsible for the cost of shipping. If requested, VLAFF will cover the cost of return shipping after the festival.
Thank you for your interest in the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival!