Las niñas bien / Mexico, 2018
Director: Alejandra Márquez Abella
Spanish with English subtitles | 93 min
International Hits
Preceded by CHEMISTRY
Saturday, August 24 | 9:30 PM | Cinematheque
Friday, August 30 | 7 PM | SFU Woodward’s

The always charming, perfect and spoiled Sofia, the queen bee of her group of friends, faces the unimaginable, her social decay. It’s 1982 and a big economic crisis is hitting Mexico. Sofia will have to maintain appearances but her fall will not only be inevitable, it will also acknowledge what is lost when the money’s gone.
La siempre encantadora, perfecta y mimada Sofía, la reinona de su grupo de amigos, se enfrentará a lo impensable: su decadencia social. 1982, una gran crisis económica está golpeando a México. Sofía tendrá que mantener las apariencias, pero su caída no solo será inevitable, sino que también le hará ver qué se pierde cuando ya no hay dinero. La película está inspirada en los libros de la famosa escritora mexicana contemporánea, Guadalupe Loaeza.
Alejandra Márquez Abella’s film is perfectly cast, beautifully framed, and carefully observed – décor, clothes, setting. Nothing is out of place in this insightful, quasi-tragic look at a time that has many parallels in the present. -TIFF
Special Jury Prize, Seattle International Film Festival, 2019
Best Actress (Ilse Salas), Havana Film Festival, 2018
Filmography: Semana Santa (2016)