
La casa más grande del mundo
Guatemala/Mexico, 2015
Spanish and Kaqchikel with English subtitles/ 74′
Directors: Ana V. Bojórquez, Lucía Carreras

Rated for Youth – G

Sunday, Aug-28
1:00 PM | The Cinematheque

Friday, Sept- 2
3:15 PM | The Cinematheque

Rocío lives with her mother and grandmother in the misty highlands of Guatemala, whiling away her time with a friend, building the largest houses in the world with little stones. But when her pregnant mother starts having premature contractions, Rocío finds herself left alone to care for their herd of sheep in the high mountainous pastures. Rocío is very young for such a task, and when the littlest lamb goes missing, her troubles begin to mount. Night is falling, the fog is rising and Rocío can’t return home without every sheep accounted for. Beautifully acted and with the magical quality of a children’s fable, this simple story with its dazzling widescreen imagery will stay with you along after the film has ended.

“the filmmaking is impressively handled throughout… as the day slowly draws to a close it becomes clear that ‘the greatest house in the world’ is nothing but nature itself.” Jordan Mintzer, The Hollywood Reporter

Ser niño en la inhóspita sierra de Guatemala. Hacer del juego la costumbre de todos los días. Escapar de la resortera de aquel chamaco. Correr con libertad absoluta. Llegar a casa antes del anochecer y así evitar el regaño de la abuela. Componentes todos de la perfecta infancia. Sin embargo, el entorno de Rocío se vislumbra cambiante. No es la incertidumbre de ver a su madre en plena labor de parto; tampoco el hacerse cargo por primera vez del rebaño de ovejas que representa el sustento de los suyos. El principal reto que la pequeña enfrenta es el de crecer. Alejarse de la vida que conoce. Aceptar que caminar por un entorno oscuro, desconocido y cubierto de niebla es la única alternativa para avanzar. Comprender que, después de un día repleto de dificultades, el consuelo vendrá del cálido abrazo des u amorosa abuela. Eduardo Campos Zavala

Producers: Sandra Paredes, Ana V. Bojórquez
Writer: Edgar Sacjabun, Ana V. Bojórquez
Cinematographer: Álvaro Rodríguez
Editor: León Felipe González
Cast: Gloria López, Myriam Bravo, Fabiana Ortiz de Domingo, María López, Elder Escobedo, Daniel Ramírez

Ana V. Bojórquez (Guatemala City, 1978) studied cinematography at the EICTV in Cuba and then production at Stuttgart Media University in Germany. Lucía Carreras (Mexico City, 1973) made her directing debut with Nos vemos, papá, in 2012, which screened at a number of international festivals before being shown in cinemas across Mexico. She co-wrote Leap Year (directed by Michael Rowe) which won the Camera d’Or at Cannes in 2010.


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Captura de pantalla 2016-08-18 a las 18.55.34