Director: Émilie B. Guérette
Quebec/Brazil, 2017
Portuguese with English subtitles | 88 min
Sunday, August 26th
2:45pm @The Cinematheque
Rio de Janeiro, August 2016. All eyes are on the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics. A few steps away from the Maracanã stadium, but far from the international attention, a hundred families live together in an abandoned building. Despite the economic hardship, gang violence, and militarization of the neighbourhood, the residents cope with their circumstances with ingenuity and resilience. Ignored by the sensationalist reports, their dignified and generous words reveal a universe of concrete and light, where the reality of today fades behind the aspirations for tomorrow.
As we meet the occupants, a portrait emerges of a dark and forgotten Rio. Thanks to the director’s warm, attentive approach, L’autre Rio stands as a tribute to the dignity and resilience of some of Rio’s most vulnerable people. -RIDM
Best New Talent from Québec/Canada (Prix du Meilleur espoir Québec/Canada) – Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Agosto 2016. Todos os olhos voltados para a cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos. A poucos passos do Estádio do Maracanã, mas longe da atenção internacional, cem famílias moram juntas em um prédio abandonado. Apesar das dificuldades econômicas, da violência de gangues e da militarização do bairro, os moradores lidam com suas circunstâncias de forma criativa e resiliente. Ignorados pelas notícias sensacionalistas, moradores e suas histórias revelam um mundo de concreto e luz, onde a realidade de hoje desaparece por trás das aspirações de amanhã.
Shorts Filmography: Voix Maritimes (2016), En attendant Oktay (2012), Old Orchard Blues (2012)