Antes o Tempo Não Acabava
Brazil, 2016 | 85 min
Tikuna and Portuguese with English subtitles
Directors: Sérgio Andrade & Fábio Baldo
Monday, Aug 28
9:00PM | The Cinematheque
Thursday, Aug 31
7:00PM | The Cinematheque
Preceded by the short film Tekoha – Sound of the Earth
In search of a new life, Anderson has left his Tikuna community in the Amazon forest for the bustling metropolis of Manaus. There he lives on the outskirts of the city with his sister and her sick child in a barren single room, and supports them through working various jobs. The environment is far from welcoming, but Anderson is driven by a burgeoning awareness of his two-spirited sexuality, which he feels can only be realized in the anonymity of the city. Anderson finds himself in limbo, questioning and rejecting certain tribal rituals, even as he fiercely defends his community and seeks to find peace with his identity.
“a powerful portrait of a wanderer between two worlds.” Berlin International Film Festival
Anderson é um jovem indígena em conflito com os líderes de sua comunidade, localizada na periferia de Manaus. As tradições mantidas por seu povo parecem anacrônicas em relação à vida contemporânea que leva. Em busca de autoafirmação, Anderson abandona a comunidade para viver sozinho no centro da cidade, onde experimenta novos sentimentos e enfrenta outros desafios. No entanto, o Velho Pajé planeja trazê-lo de volta para mais um ritual.
Producers: Ana Alice de Morais, Sergio Andrade
Writer: Sérgio Andrade
Cinematographer: Yure Cesar
Editor: Fábio Baldo
Cast: Anderson Tikuna, Severiano Kedassere, Fidelis Baniwa, Kay Sara, Ana Sabrina, Rita Carelli, Begemuniz, Emmanuel Aragao, Arnaldo Barreto
Sérgio Andrade (Manaus, Brazil, 1967) worked for eight years as a local producer with the Amazonas Film Commission. In 2008 he directed his first short film. His three shorts and debut feature Jonathas’ Forest (A floresta de Jonathas, 2012) screened at numerous international festivals including Rotterdam and Clermont Ferrand. He is a 2013 Berlinale Talents alumnus.
Fábio Baldo (São Paulo, Brazil, 1983) is a graduate of the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP) art school. He has directed a number of prize-winning short films. In 2015, the Cinémathèque Française in Paris held a retrospective of his films. He is also an editor and sound designer.