La casa lobo
Chile, 2018
Director: Joaquín Cociña & Cristóbal León
Spanish and German with English subtitles | 77 min
International Hits
Wednesday, August 28 | 8:45 PM | SFU Woodward’s

Once upon a time, somewhere in southern Chile, Maria escapes from a sect of German religious fanatics. With a wolf in hot pursuit she takes refuge in a house in the woods occupied by two little pigs—but don’t mistake this for your typical fairytale. Filmmakers Joaquín Cociña and Cristóbal León have crafted a dark and daring stop-motion animated film fusing elements of Grimm and early David Lynch to form their surrealistic narrative. The animation is constantly being constructed, deconstructed and then reconstructed as the nightmarish story unfolds. Papier-mâché characters continuously crumple and morph into unsettling images while charcoal and painted rooms in the house shift, transform, contract and expand into disturbing scenarios. This ingenious display of artistry makes The Wolf House a mesmerizing and captivating feast!
– Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival
Había una vez una secta alemana en el sur de Chile, de la que María consigue escapar. Huyendo de un lobo, se refugia en una casa en el bosque habitada por dos cerditos. No es un cuento de hadas tradicional, sino una película animada en la que Joaquín Cociña y Cristóbal León combinan elementos de los hermanos Grimm y las obras tempranas de David Lynch para crear una historia oscura y surrealista. Tanto los personajes como las habitaciones de la casa se van transformando a medida que la pesadilla se desenvuelve, creando un despliegue visual tan perturbador como cautivante.
A must-see film for all fans of animation, as well as everyone who thinks they don’t like animation.
Wonderfully nightmarish and awesome beyond belief. – VLAFF
Jury Distinction, Annecy International Animated Film Festival, France, 2018