YES! Except for viewing the six films in the New Directors Competition, which have all been “Rated PG” by Consumer Protection BC.

As a registered charitable society, the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival screens films that have not been rated by Consumer Protection BC. Under BC law, any person wishing to see these unclassified films must be a member of the VLAFF society and be 18 years of age or older.

This annual membership is valid for all events throughout the year, including the 11-day film festival and all online presentations. Members must be 18 years or older. 

Please carry your membership card or receipt with you at all times, as you will be required to show it at all in-person VLAFF screenings, including special screenings throughout the year.

Annual Membership: $5
The annual membership is valid until July 31, 2021. Annual members may vote at the AGM.
Festival Membership: $2
The Festival Membership is valid only from Aug 27 – Sept 6, 2020.

All membership fees go directly to supporting VLAFF programs. Thank you!!