VLAFF Needs You
August 2021
Next year, VLAFF will celebrate its 20th anniversary. In preparation, we are determined to incorporate more justice, equity, diversity and inclusion principles into our by-laws and policies. The safe participation of everyone who plays a role in the making and hosting of VLAFF is a priority for us, as reflected in our Code of Conduct. After months of working collaboratively with former board members and staff who recently put forward suggestions on how we can do better, we are excited to share that we are already working on implementing several changes and have a detailed action plan in place: Read More Here.
VLAFF is working hard in improving the festival to ensure a fun, caring and supportive experience for all. We are so grateful for the community support we have received. We cherish the continued trust and belief from the incredible filmmakers as well as past and current staff, board members, volunteers, community partners and donors we have worked with over the years.
VLAFF has long championed ethical, anti-oppression, and decolonial values, as embodied by our diverse and multicultural board and staff. Our commitment to social justice is also reflected in the structure of the festival–from the development and pursuit of programming to highlighting the work of underrepresented communities in sections such as ¡Activismo!, Indigenous Cinema, Queer Latinx, Canada Looks South (Latin-Canadian focus), as well as equitable representation of women directors throughout the history of the festival.
However, we’re not perfect and we are committed to continuously learn, improve and have greater accountability. We also want to do more for you–our community–in creating a festival that truly represents and reflects the creativity and spirit of the Latinx diaspora. Will you help us?
We welcome all suggestions to help us learn and grow, as we move forward into the future. Do you have ideas on how we can improve your festival experience? Would you like to become part of the solution as a member of our board of directors, staff or volunteer team? There are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
Thank you for your input and views. The channels of communications are always open. You can send us your suggestions and ideas through the following:
> Make a Suggestion
> Become a Board Member
> Become a Volunteer
> Donate to VLAFF
> Email contact: board@vlaff.org