Film news from around the world
LATIN-CANADIAN SHORT FILM COMPETITION The Vancouver Latin American Film Festival is pleased to announce a new competition section for works by Latin-Canadian directors, as well as Canadian directors with works that relate to Latin America. Although in the past, VLAFF has had competitions for Latin-Canadian directors, such as when we celebrated our 20th anniversary, the intention [...]
VLAFF Calendar 2023
Visit our calendar page to see what's screening today and for the rest of the week! BUY TICKETS
The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la CruzEnsayo de un crimen Mexican writer Cecilia Fuentes will be in attendance at Opening Night to introduce The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz (Ensayo de un crimen), one of the finest comedies directed by one of the master filmmakers of all times, Luis Buñuel. The exhibition copy of this film has been digitally [...]
LATIN PANORAMA IMAGINATION AND DIVERSITY by Ernesto Diezmartínez(el texto en español lo encuentra abajo) For its 19th edition, the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival presents in its competitive New Directors section a remarkable selection of eight films produced and made in Latin America, chosen from over a hundred submitted films, all of them first or [...]
#CineLatinoamericano #Convocatoria2021 #NuevosDirectores Aquí pueden ver a la conversación entre el crítico de cine mexicano Ernesto Diezmartínez y el director de VLAFF, Christian Sida, quienes charlaron sobre el cine latinoamericano reciente, echaron un vistazo a los festivales híbridos a un año del inicio de la pandemia, y comentaron la convocatoria del festival, debido al ingreso de [...]
The 18th edition of the Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, is pleased to announce the 2020 festival prizes. BEST SHORT FILMATMOSPHERES (ATMÓSFERAS)Director: Leinad Pájaro de la HozColombia/Cuba, 2019 SPECIAL MENTION PORTRAITS OF MY MOTHER (RETRATOS DE MI MADRE)Director: Tavo RuizMexico, 2019 BEST FILM NEW DIRECTORS COMPETITION THINGS WE DARE NOT DO (COSAS QUE NO HACEMOS)Director: Bruno [...]
PAMELA GUINEA, Cine hecho en Guate / Cinema made in Guatemala
In English below. Es muy difícil explicar lo que sucede en el cine guatemalteco ¿cómo puede un pequeño país, sin ley de cine y con tantos conflictos, producir tan buen cine? Christian Sida (VLAFF director) charló con Pamela Guinea para las redes de VLAFF, para tratar de entender un poco más de lo que se vive [...]
La edición número 18 del festival, la cual se celebrará del 27 de agosto al 6 de septiembre, abre su convocatoria para directores latinoamericanos, para sus competencias de Nuevos Directores y para Cortometraje. Toda la información:
#VLAFFPODCAST from the Rotterdam Film Festival.
The world premiere of the Mexican film COLOZIO happened at the prestigious Rotterdam Film Festival, in the Netherlands, Christian Sida talked to Artemio in a live podcast from the festival venue. El estreno mundial de la película mexicana COLOZIO, se realizó en el prestigioso festival de cine de Rotterdam, en Holanda. Allá mismo, Christian Sida charló [...]
#VLAFFPODCAST Interview with Carmen Henríquez and ”Power to the People”
''We need unique solutions to unique environments''. Carmen Henríquez. In this second #VLAFFPODCAST Christian Sida talks with Carmen Henríquez about her new TV Series titled Power to the People.Español & English. POWER TO THE PEOPLE is a weekly television documentary that explores the renewable energy revolution empowering indigenous communities across Canada and around the world. Each week host, [...]